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Advanced Word Processing book front cover

Advanced Word Processing

with Microsoft Word

ICDL Professional

Advanced Word Processing: ICDL Professional provides readers with a guide to the advanced features of Microsoft Word. Filled with practical advice, step by step instructions, and revision exercises after each section, this book gives learners a helpful overview of the advanced word processing syllabus as part of the ICDL Professional series of digital skills modules.

With this helpful guide, learners can build on their existing skillset using Microsoft Word and enhance their career prospects. Readers will gain valuable knowledge of the techniques and skills required to use advanced word processing features effectively. Accompanying resources are available to download from the author’s website.

Topics covered include:

  • Advanced text, paragraph, and document formatting

  • Automated features including macros, AutoText, and AutoFormat

  • Image, chart, table, and object positioning using text wrapping

  • Referencing other works, including articles, websites, books, journals, and reports

  • Citations and bibliography styles, tables of contents and figures, captions, indexes,  footnotes and endnotes

  • Page setup options including margins, columns, orientation, layout, and sizing

  • Review and collaboration features

  • Comparing and merging documents

  • Linking external data such as spreadsheets and text files

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